Live Streaming events using Google Hangout, now in HD!

In the past I’ve spoken about how to stream an event using Google Hangout and I’ve talked about the tools and techniques be successful at capturing an event and streaming it and I’ve discussed how you should put your new found skills to the test and help a local meetup stream their event by donating your time. I thought I’d bring it back full circle and discuss what has changed with YouTube and doing Google Hangouts On Air.

More pixels means sharper video

Google recently added HD video to their hangouts and Google Hangout On Air (their live streaming component). Here is an older video and a video I recently recorded from the OCWP WordPress meetup group

SD Video

HD Video

Cleaner video podcasts

This upgrade to HD has helped with our WPwatercooler video podcast as well. The video is sharper, the sound is clearer and the level of detail has increased.

SD Video

HD Video

If you haven’t tried Google Hangouts yet due to them being published in SD now is your chance to come back and try out their HD offering.