VLC app for iPhone returns to App Store after two years

After two years of being removed from the Apple iOS App Store VLC returns with even more features as you recall the Denis-Courmont of VLC posted the following on their blog when it was removed:
On January 7th (2011), Apple removed VLC media player from its application store for iDevices. Thus the incompatibility between the GNU General Public License and the AppStore terms of use is resolved – the hard way. This end should not have come to a surprise to anyone, given the precedents. Here are some of the new VLC iOS features:

Network Streams: Play any network streams support by VLC media player for desktop operating systems

Download from Web: Download files from any web server for offline playback

Wi-Fi Upload: Allows users to upload files directly to the iOS version of VLC through a web browser on the PC or Mac.

Dropbox Integration: Play media directly from Dropbox or download it for offline playback.

Video Filters: Video playback can be modified for brightness, contrast, hue, saturation or gamma in real time.

3rd-Party App Integration: Any app with a share dialog can use VLC for iOS for media playback

VLC 2.0 for iOS is a free download in the iOS App Store.

Author information

Jason Tucker

Web Developer at Tucker Pro

Jason Tucker is a web developer, systems administrator and a father of three. Jason owns Tucker.Pro a web development company and is host of WPwatercooler a weekly WordPress web development and design YouTube channel and podcast. Jason also blogs over at WPMedia.Pro where he talks about working with audio and video on the web.

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